Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bioshock's Frank Fontaine (with plasmid effects)

Audio Diary #47 - Fontaine's revenge... (written by joe_of_war)

"I gotta tell you Andy, your persistence never ceases to amaze me. You think you can just send over one of your tin-can cronies to finish me off?! I had the drop on that scrap metal freak quicker than you could say 'Busto'. Put a knife in his belly and his suit on my back! This day forward, neither you or none of your Daddies can waltz into Fontaine Fisheries expectin' to come out alive. So let this Delta be a prime example of what's comin' to you. You come out here with so much as a crooked smile on that mug and mark my words you'll be fish-hooked, gutted and floatin' topside by curfew. Now I got myself inside this clunker, all spliced up with more Adam runnin' through my veins than God-given. You want some kind of a war, Ryan? Some sick revolution or evolution like that Tenenbaum broad?? I got news for ya both, it ain't gonna happen! Not on my watch. I got workers linin' up to snuff you out for nothin' more than a handshake with the boss! Better lay off the cheap dames and the nose candy 'cuz I'm comin' for YOU Ryan, baby! And I'm gonna send you back to fresh-air Liberty in a box!! YOU HEAR ME RYAN?! IN A BOX!!!"

This is Frank Fontaine in a Subject Delta Big Daddy suit. He is also sporting the Winter Blast plasmid (basically a superpower that allows him to control ice). He was made from a NECA Subject Delta and has some heavy modification going on. Starting with the head, it was a DCU Lex Luther that was a clear cast and had to be painted in full. I gave his eyes a wintery feel too. His torso was from a DC Boomerang - repainted brown, and the neck blue for ice.

The factory NECA figure was an empty shell with no human inside and no way of seeing inside the suit. The factory helmet was solid, non see-through, and you couldn't remove it at all. Well I fixed all that! I altered his helmet to be removable and I also added clear plastic for his see-through visor. The helmet can be unhinged and put back in place since I added 2 rare earth magnets 1/4 in diameter - 1 on the helmet and 1 behind his head. Ice was sculpted around the visor and the helmet was painted to look frozen. As for the drill and alternate right arm, they were also painted to look frozen. Seashells, barnacles and starfish were all fodder from various figures.  Paints were Testors, Tamiya and Citadel acrylics.


Base Figure:

Work in progress of head and body (paint and sculpt):

Frank Fontaine finished:

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